Flyers for a Modern Age

Jaeson Booker
3 min readDec 13, 2018


Flyers have a long history of intrigue, but they haven’t really adapted

1450 changed everything.

Granted, no one at the time probably realized it changed everything, but a few key figures did. Such thinkers are Martin Luther realized where there was information, there was power, and used that power to challenge the authorities of his time. Since then, the flyer has been used to spread religion and destroy religion, spread peace and promote war, as state propaganda and to organize revolution against it. They were short, direct, and easy-to-spread, with captivating designs and ideas.

Now, we seem to have forgotten the value of such concise idea spreading. Such things are confined to internet memes, usually in the form of jokes, not taken seriously. If you’re serious, we’re told, you write long books no one will finish. You hold conferences. You write articles on Medium. Flyers, it seems, have been abandoned to history.

Until now.

We are bringing in flyers for a modern age. Stylish, informative, and telling you everything you need to know in a glance. Want to organize a new event? Start a class on Ethereum? Tell everyone about the important protest that’s happening? With our app, you can create informative and intriguing pamphlets, and “spread” them to everyone in your area.

Haven’t you walked past an event, wondering what it is and if you could attend? Or found out too late about a group meeting you wish you had been part of? Our Flyers will tell you exactly what’s happening in your local area, without having to scour through a website like Meetup or Eventbrite, searching for the same event.

Colorful flyers, information easy for users to see and short-enough to quickly understand
Easy scrolling, making finding events intuitive and inspirational

With our app, you can find events that are visually easy to traverse. The System font was used, so that the information is clear and simple to read, without being too big or imposing. The visual hierarchy shows the depiction of what the event will look like, looking the user, then displaying its name, description, and date. By doing this, we peak the user’s interest first, then give them the event name, the information they will want to learn next, then a description of the event, so that they will know if they really want to attend or not. And then, once they have enough interest to want to attend, we provide the date, so they can know if they are able to attend. Simply select an event, join it, and add it to your calendar. You can even get instant directions to the event, if it is happening right now!

Flyers have provided information for what is happening around us and in our community for centuries. As technology improves and develops, so do they. With our phone, we can still stay connected to what is happening in our area, and enjoy the visual architecture behind this traditional form of media. But these aren’t the flyers nailed to a wall, waiting for anyone to rip them off. These are flyers available to you, wherever you go. These are flyers… for a modern age.



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